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Essential Period Tips: What to Avoid for a Healthier Cycle

What Not to Do During Your Period: The Ultimate Guide by Flawsome Indeed, one has to admit that periods can be a real pain, both literally and figuratively. While it’s something we really can’t do without, there are some things that we can stay away from to make the experience a tad less, um, crampy. […]

Types of Menstrual Products: From Pads to Period Panties and Beyond!

Types of Menstrual Products: From Pads to Period Panties and Beyond It’s time to talk about that time of the month, ladies—also known as the crimson wave, the scarlet badge of courage, Aunt Flo’s visit, or just plain old menstruation. Everybody has experienced this: squirming in the tampon aisle, unsure whether the incredibly thin pads […]


Embracing Diversity: Menstruation Beyond Gender Norms For many individuals classified as female at birth, the menstrual cycle is a normal aspect of life. It signifies the entry into womanhood and the health of the reproductive system in the body. Menarche, the term for a girl’s first menstruation, is even hailed by many as a milestone […]

Sex During Periods

Many people avoid or feel awkward talking about having sex when they’re on their period. But let’s face it, intimacy doesn’t have to suffer once a month—periods are a normal part of life. In fact, for some, now is the ideal moment to embrace a new form of relationship with their significant other. Let’s explore […]

Pregnancy and Periods

  Ah, the complex combination of reproductive health—pregnancy and periods—that often baffles a lot of us. If you’ve ever wondered whether you can become pregnant when you’re pregnant or if you can get pregnant while you’re on your period, you’re not alone Understanding Menstrual Cycles First, let’s familiarize ourselves with the menstrual cycle. Think of […]

How to Prepone Periods Naturally

HOW TO PREPONE PERIODS NATURALLY Ah, the joys of womanhood! Sometimes, you need your period to show up fashionably early – maybe for that long-awaited trip, your own wedding, or simply because you don’t want to deal with Aunt Flo during a big presentation at work. Whatever the reason, here’s your guide to inducing periods […]

How to Delay Periods Naturally

HOW TO DELAY PERIODS NATURALLY Got a hot date, a sports competition, or a long-awaited concert coming up? The last thing you want is to deal with your period during these special moments. While menstruation is a natural part of life, it can be inconvenient and uncomfortable. Periods bring cramps, bloating, and mood swings, making […]

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) can feel like an unwelcome guest that shows up right before your period, bringing along a variety of symptoms like mood swings, tender breasts, food cravings, and fatigue. It’s estimated that as many as 3 out of every 4 menstruating women have experienced some form of PMS. Understanding PMS and learning how […]

Why is Period Poverty Problem?

WHY IS PERIOD POVERTY A PROBLEM? Period Poverty: A Barrier to Dignity, Health, and Opportunity In a world where basic needs should never be a luxury, period poverty stands as a stark reminder of inequality. It’s more than just a lack of menstrual products; it’s a barrier to dignity, health, and opportunity. Imagine the fear […]

What is Period Poverty

What is Period Poverty? Period poverty is a global crisis that robs millions of women, girls, and people who menstruate of their basic human rights. It’s not just about the inability to afford pads and tampons – it’s about the shame, stigma, and lack of education surrounding menstruation. When you can’t access safe menstrual products […]

An Origin Story

We know the history of humankind. The wars, the conquests and everything in between. We’ve all heard and read of many great men, few great women and the rest. Why is this so? Because for a long time, the pen (or the quill, if you will), was held captive by men. What we know of […]

Misinformation, Menstruation and the Mind

Misinformation, Menstruation and the Mind: The Flawsome Girl Talks “Because there is silence, there is a lack of information; and because misinformation presents menstruation as shameful, there is silence.” – The persistent power of stigma (an academic article Misinformation, Menstruation and the Mind: The Flawsome Girl Talks “Because there is silence, there is a lack […]

Reading this will make your period 10x bearable

Periods aren’t as enjoyable as the countless advertisements make them out to be. They can be painful and uncomfortable, and it’s always good to have a little extra help in such cases! So today, I’m here to add a few common but formidable weapons to your arsenal Periods aren’t as enjoyable as the countless advertisements […]

Religion and Menstruation

“My belief is stronger than your doubt.” “My belief is stronger than your doubt.” A lot of us grow up with beliefs being transferred to us like how money is transferred to bank accounts. At a young age, we’re not able to understand the rationale behind them and when we’re older we become too inflexible […]

Sustainable Menstruation and Role of an Informed Menstrual Product Choice.

Menstruation is a natural process that women experience throughout their reproductive years. However, the environmental impact of traditional menstrual products, such as disposable pads and tampons, has raised concerns about sustainability and the need for more informed choices. Sustainable menstruation is a movement centered on encouraging menstruators and manufacturers to use and produce products that […]

Data on Sanitary Waste Disposal Techniques in India.

According to advocacy group Menstrual Hygiene Alliance India (MHAI), assuming 36 per cent of women or girls in India use disposable sanitary napkins regularly at an average rate of eight sanitary napkins per month, 336 million menstruating women and girls use about 1 billion sanitary napkins per month, or 12.3 billion sanitary napkins annually. This […]

Health Changes and Problems During Menstruation.

Features of Menstruation Onset of Menstruation (Menarche) The first menstruation, called the menarche, typically occurs between the ages of 12 and 13 years. Menarche generally occurs 2 to 3 years after initial breast development (breast budding). A higher body mass index (BMI) during childhood is associated with earlier puberty and menarche. Environmental factors and nutrition […]

Health Hazards Due to Misinformation Related to Menstruation.

On average, a person menstruates from age 13 years to 51 years, every 28 days, with a 3–7-day range. This means that they will have 456 periods for about 38 years and use more than 10 000 menstrual products in their lifetime. An increase in price and economic hardship will take a toll on access […]


The terms menstruation and menses are derived from the Latin mensis (‘month’), which in turn is same linguistic derivation of the Greek word mene (‘moon’) and the roots of the English words month and moon. Menstruation is a phenomenon unique to girls. However, it has always been surrounded by taboos and myths that exclude women […]