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Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) can feel like an unwelcome guest that shows up right before your
period, bringing along a variety of symptoms like mood swings, tender breasts, food cravings,
and fatigue. It’s estimated that as many as 3 out of every 4 menstruating women have
experienced some form of PMS. Understanding PMS and learning how to manage it can
significantly improve your quality of life

What is PMS?

PMS is a broad category that includes a variety of mental and physical symptoms that manifest
predictably before your menstruation. Some women may experience a mild disturbance, but
others may find the symptoms severe enough to cause problems with their everyday routine.
However, there are strategies to effectively manage PMS, so you don’t have to let it take over
your life.

Symptoms of PMS

The signs and symptoms of PMS might differ significantly amongst women. Tension, anxiety,
depression, sobbing fits, mood swings, impatience, and changes in appetite are common
emotional and behavioral symptoms. In addition, physical symptoms such as migraines, bloating, breast tenderness, joint or muscle pain, and breakouts of acne are possible. Extreme mood swings, despair, and irritability are among the symptoms of a disorder known as Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), which affects a tiny percentage of women

Causes of PMS

Although the precise cause of PMS is still unknown, a number of factors may be involved:
Hormonal cycles: Symptoms frequently fluctuate in tandem with these cycles, and they typically
go away between menopause and pregnancy.
Chemical alterations in the brain: PMS symptoms may be brought on by variations in serotonin
levels, a neurotransmitter that is essential for mood control.
Depression: Undiagnosed depression might make symptoms worse for some women with severe

Diagnosis of PMS

Since there is no particular test for PMS, diagnosing it might be challenging. Physicians typically
make use of symptom patterns that return prior to the menstrual cycle. Your doctor can diagnose
PMS if you keep a symptom journal for a few cycles. It’s crucial to rule out other illnesses
including chronic fatigue syndrome and thyroid diseases that might cause similar symptoms

Managing PMS

A multifaceted approach is frequently necessary for managing PMS. The following tactics may
be of assistance:

Lifestyle Modifications

Exercise: Try to get in 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise most days. Your body’s own
feel-good chemicals, endorphins, may be increased by it.
Healthy Diet: Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to maintain a healthy diet.
Limit your intake of alcohol, coffee, and salt.
Hydration and Sleep: Make sure you get adequate rest and drink a lot of water.

Medical Treatments

Pain relievers: Over-the-counter drugs such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help reduce pain.
Hormonal Treatments: By controlling or inhibiting ovulation, birth control tablets may be
Antidepressants: Some antidepressants are useful in treating severe symptoms related to mood.

Natural Therapies

Chaste tree, vitamin B6, magnesium, calcium, and evening primrose oil are a few examples of
supplements that may be helpful, but it’s important to speak with a licensed healthcare provider
before using them

Remember, you don’t have to face PMS alone. With the right combination of lifestyle
adjustments, medical treatments, and natural therapies, you can manage your symptoms
effectively. So, the next time PMS tries to “cramp” your style, you’ll be ready to take it on with
confidence and grace

Stay proactive, listen to your body, and don’t hesitate to seek support. After all, a little self-care
can go a long way in ensuring those premenstrual days don’t get the best of you

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