Privacy Policy

Our Commitment to Your Privacy with MyFlawsome

Hello from MyFlawsome! We want you to know how we handle your personal information when you visit or make a purchase on our site. Here’s a breakdown in a more humanized way:

What We Collect:

When you’re here, we automatically gather device details like your browser info, IP address, time zone, and cookies. We also keep track of your interactions with the site, calling this “Device Information.”

How We Use Cookies and Such:

Cookies are like friendly notes on your computer, helping us improve your experience. We also use tools like log files and web beacons to understand how you browse.

Ordering? Here’s What We Collect:

When you make a purchase, we collect your name, address, payment information, and more, calling it “Order Information.”

Why We Collect Your Info:

We use order information to process orders, communicate with you, and ensure everything’s secure. We also use device information to enhance your experience and improve our site.

Sharing Information with Third Parties:

We share your information with third parties, like Shopify and Google Analytics, to help us provide our services. Rest assured, we respect your privacy and don’t sell your data.

Personalized Ads and Marketing:

We may use your information to show you ads you’ll like. You can opt out through links like Facebook, Google, and Bing.

Your Rights and Data Retention:

If you’re a European resident, you have rights regarding your information. We’ll keep your Order Information unless you ask us to delete it.

Location and Currency:

We may process your IP address for currency conversion, storing it in a temporary cookie for a seamless browsing experience.

Changes and Updates:

Our privacy policy may change, and we’ll update you on any significant shifts.

Minors and Contacting Us:

Our site is for ages 18 and above. If you have questions or complaints or want to chat, drop us a line.

Thanks for being a part of MyFlawsome, where your privacy is our priority!